Felsted Aid for Deprived Children has just returned from its latest trip to Chernihiv, Ukraine.
All went very well. We were able to deliver the bespoke dance wheelchair made by Roma Medical in Wales for Nastia in Chernihiv who competes successfully from her chair at a high level of ballroom dancing and gymnastics and represents her country. This was kindly donated by Felsted Prep School and presented by Dr. Charles Lee. Mrs Chris Lee and Mrs Julie Green.
7 tons of aid was delivered in full view of the customs and was very welcomed This will all be locked away until customs in Kiev have cleared the paperwork and then the distribution can begin to over 24 other organisations as well as retaining essentials for the Revival Centre who treat over 2000 children a year.
1 van broke down with a starter motor problem on the way back and Alan and his co-driver had to wait in the Netherlands from Saturday evening till Monday until a mechanic could fix it.
One of our volunteer drivers has very kindly offered to sponsor a young girl of 9 years who has to have an operation to straighten both legs in order to enable her to walk. We have previously supported a young man who had similar serious problems, his legs are now straight and he can lead a normal life. The skills of the surgeons in Ukraine are wonderful despite antiquated equipment. As a result of this we would like to set up a “Transforming Life” fund which will also change other children’s lives. If you would like to help you can donate on our website using the Donate Button reference TFL. Thank you.
We are always requiring colostomy bags and paraphernalia, toiletries. adult and children’s pampers, toys, good children’s clothing and shoes and of course the monetary support to get it all there. We feel uncomfortable asking but unfortunately its a fact.
Thank you to everyone who have helped us in so many different ways. We can’t do it without you.